This is a Beautiful Emerald green with a ebony wash bronze replica. The origional mask is carved in old growth red cedar. I chose to carve a Hawk mask because it isn't as common as the Eagle, Raven, Thunderbird etc.. I love the way the Hawks beak curls down and touches the lower beak. This way of carving the beak is the way it is recognized to be a Hawk. The Emerald green with a ebony wash makes this piece stand out . It is set up to hang on a wall and will be a wonderful focal point wherever it is displayed.
This is a Beautiful Emerald green with a ebony wash bronze replica. The origional mask is carved in old growth red cedar. I chose to carve a Hawk mask because it isn't as common as the Eagle, Raven, Thunderbird etc.. I love the way the Hawks beak curls down and touches the lower beak. This way of carving the beak is the way it is recognized to be a Hawk. The Emerald green with a ebony wash makes this piece stand out . It is set up to hang on a wall and will be a wonderful focal point wherever it is displayed.