I had a vision to carve 3 large mask one day. I can't say why. I just know that idea/thought popped into my head along with carving a Totem pole. It was really profound. I didn't question why and try to analyze it. I just know that when things like that happen, you either ignore it or make a decision to go with it and see what happens as it unfolds. Now the totem pole part of this vision is the "Ancestors Totem Pole" that I carved and have in my back yard as I write this blog.
Ok, now back to this blog. I had also already carved the first large mask, which is the Kaa-Kooch mask, Naawk, Octopus or Devilfish mask. This mask represents "How the Chookaneidee Clan earned the Rights to use the Devilfish as One of our Clan Symbols".
This 2nd large mask started out as making a larger version of the Raven mask I carved while living in Juneau. I planned on using this one as a prototype and add a some other design elements to fill the space since it was 4.5 feet tall cedar block. You can see the photo of this small mask sitting on top of the cedar mask blank as my son and I do some adzing as we prepare the large block of cedar.
So after getting the cedar close to being squared up and taking measurements. We took a closer look at all sides of the cedar block and noticed a crack made by a chainsaw in the hollowing out process when this part of the cedar was attached to the log that it came from. That meant I didn't have the thickness needed to carve the Ravens facial features without cutting through the blank. This is critical for any carver to adress.
"And thats how the Raven Mask went from being a Raven Mask to what it is now. Time to sit back and take another look at the block of cedar and make a decision of options,options,options".
Ivy and I were brainstorming for ideas and on that list was a Tlingit Kaa or Tlingit man wearing a Bear Headress - Shakee.a't. This was the answer to what we needed. The Shakee.a't headress in this project was created by carving a separate piece called a Frontlet which will be attached above the forehead of the humans face and since its being added we won't have to carve into the area where the crack was at. That's the beginning of it. I planned on carving this mask to hang on a wall, just like the Kaa-Kooch mask. But, Ivy had a different idea in mind. She was thinking of instead of making it to hang on the wall. To make it be a mask that revolves 360 degress. Mounted to a post that is mounted to a powered turn table. To make this happen and look super cool. The mask will be a mask that represents a Tlingit man or Tlingit face wearing a headress that wraps around the head. That means the train part of the Shakee.a 't that would flow and lay along the back of a person who wears one would look like needs to wrap around the cedar mask. I would need to make a hoop that would be attache to the back of the cedar mask at the top so the canvas material that makes up the train will be attached to the sides of the cedar face and around the hoop. Just like when a person is wearing one. Then Ermine will be attached to the length of the train.
How this will look when it's all finished. As the Tlingit mask turns slowly on the powered turntable you won't be able to see any part of the back of the cedar mask, because the Shakee.at train will wrap around and be occupy this space.
Top picture:
Small Raven mask on top of the cedar block that was to be the larger version.
Middle picture:
Raven mask is now going to be a different mask. I refer to as "The Mask Transformed Into Another Mask".
Bottom picture:
This is the mask as I have been wortking on it and is 90% complete. I'll post another Blog when it's on the turntable.
Have a Great Day and see you in the Future post.